
Top 3 Things About Being a Freelancer

The sunny day is in full swing here in Bali and I am reminded of how lucky I am to be able to fully enjoy it without having to worry about keeping up with the 9-to-5. This got me thinking about the perks of being a freelancer that some office-bound companies would be hard-pressed to match. Here are the three that topped the list : 1. Enjoying The Days Gone are the days of spending life in the office and never seeing the sun. The bedroom corner is one of my favorite work-spaces. 2. Spending Less Money on Work Clothes Since most correspondence happens online, I really only need a couple of nice tops and maybe a silky blouse. And of course, dress pants are optional. 3. Daytime Napping When I own my schedule, there's no need to push when my energy lags. Catching a few daytime zzz to boost productivity when I am feeling a little groggy is the best solution. What is your favourite freelancing perk?

Can't Sleep? Try These...

Quality and quantity go hand in hand when it comes to sleep. If you sleep deeply (quality), but for just a few hours a night (lack of quantity), your brain and body don’t get what they need to rejuvenate. If, on the other hand, you spend plenty of time in bed at night, but the quality of sleep is poor—you’ll have the same problems. You deserve to be well rested and to sleep in peace for the appropriate amount of time.  Thought for the Day Fake it till you make it. Whenever someone asks you how you sleep, respond that you sleep like a baby. You’ll create a new story about yourself, and that will make it into a reality.  Affirmation “I drift off into a deep restful slumber with ease. My dreams take me on beautiful joyful journeys. I wake feeling well rested and energized.”  Bedtime Practice While you are lying in bed tonight, take a moment to examine the quality of your thoughts. Sometimes when I’m going to bed I realize that I have to get up early and I ...

Benefits of Yoga

S tretching out muscles, which eventually relieves muscle pain Realignment of the spine Promotion of better circulation   Improvement in joint function as a result of the heat, stretching and   increased movement of fluid into the joint cavities Improvement in breathing, which has a calming effect on the body Improved sleep   Reduced stress & anxiety   Improvement in immune function Increased strength & flexibility Detoxification Improved quality of skin Improvement in balance & coordination Weight loss and changes in the body shape  

Your First Yoga

For Beginner   No Big Meal 3- hours before class, practice on empty stomach. Bring water — you will sweat! Leave behind your expectations. Bring your spirit!  Wear as little as possible in the classroom. Dress as light as possible. Men wear shorts or bathing suit. Women wear exercise top and shorts or a swimsuit. T-shirts are bulky, tank tops are better.  Drink lots of water for several days before your first class if you're not in the habit of drinking water. Doctors estimate you need at least 2 liters per day for normal body maintenance. Double that for doing Yoga. If you drink large quantities of caffeinated drinks or eat mostly processed foods it can effect your body's ability to tolerate the heat, so please cut down on these items in preparation for class.  After Your First Class You might feel very tired after class. This is absolutely normal and a good sign that your body is cleansing. Your energy levels should be restored to normal within s...

Be With You #Worship#

Saviour of my soul, I confide in You through all my darkest moments.  In You I find my peace, my comfort when I'm weak.  I trust in You through storm and raging sea.  Faithful You're my God.  You're the glory and the lifter of my head.  Your light it fills my days, it leads me in Your ways.  Forever I surrender all to You. And I live to worship You.  My JESUS You're the only one for me.  Nothing will ever take Your place my precious saviour.  Who can stand between my Lord and me.  Lord I live to honour You.  And I long to bring my life an offering.  Take me higher, draw me deeper. I give all to be with You.

Come Holy Spirit #Worship#

Come Holy Spirit fall on me now.  I need Your anointing, I need Your power.  I love You Holy Spirit, You're captivating my soul.  And every day I grow to love You more.   I'm reaching for Your heart. You hold my life in Your hand.  Drawing me closer to You, I feel Your power renew.  Nothing compares to this place where I can see You face to face.  I worship You in spirit and in truth.  Datang Roh Kudus, Kau ku rindu.  Dan minyak yang baru urapi ku.  Mengalir penuhi ku, mengalir pulihkan ku.  Kuasa Mu bebaskan hidupku.   Satu yang ku rindu bersekutu dengan Mu.  Bawa ku lebih lagi tinggal di dalam Mu.  Nikmati hadirat Mu, jamahlah s'luruh hidupku.  Urapan Mu mengubah hidupku.

Balance Your Time to Bring Happiness in Your Life

Ada seorang laki-laki tengah yang menapaki kesuksesan karier tapi merasa hidupnya tidak bahagia. Istrinya sering mengeluh karena merasa keluarga tidak lagi mendapat waktu dan perhatian yang cukup darinya sebagai suami. Orang tua dan keluarga besar menganggapnya sombong dan tidak lagi peduli kepada mereka. Tuntutan pekerjaan membuatnya kehilangan waktu untuk keluarga, teman-teman, bahkan bagi dirinya sendiri.  Suatu hari pria tersebut mendatangi rumah salah seorang pemimpin di perusahaannya. Setibanya di sana, dia sempat terpukau saat melewati taman yang tertata rapi dan begitu indah. "Hai anak muda, tunggulah di dalam. Masih ada beberapa hal yang harus Bapak selesaikan," seru tuan rumah.  Bukannya masuk, laki-laki itu menghampiri dan bertanya : "Maaf, Pak. Bagaimana Bapak bisa merawat taman yang begitu indah sambil tetap bekerja dan bisa membuat keputusan-keputusan hebat di perusahaan kita?"  Tanpa mengalihkan perhatian dari pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakannya...